King's Bruton

The new Prefects are announced

Community Life at King's

I am delighted to appoint such a strong group of School Prefects for next academic year.

I was very impressed with all the forty L6th Form pupils who applied to be School Prefects. When I interviewed them, they all showed maturity, common sense and clear commitment to the School. We will all face a challenging year again as we come out of the pandemic restrictions, and also, as we respond to the important whole school issues of mental health and sexual equality. I look forward to working closely with the Heads and Deputy Heads of School and the School Prefects, and I know that King’s is in safe hands next year with these excellent new school leaders.

Heads of School:                               
Emily - Wellesley House
Kit - New House

Deputy Heads of School:                 
Charlotte - Arion House
Isaac - Lyon House

School Prefects:
Hannah - Arion House
Sophie - Wellesley House
Lily - Priory House
Lulu  - Priory House
Dylan - New House
Felix - Old House (Moving to Blackford House, when Old House closes)
Javdat - Blackford House
James - New House

Ian Wilmshurst - Headmaster

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