King's Bruton

A successful ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection for King's Bruton

Life at King's Community

 A successful ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection for King's Bruton...

The ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection report has now been published, and I am delighted that King’s has met all eight standards.

This was the most rigorous inspection in my time as Headmaster, and the inspectors, quite rightly, drilled in to the School’s safeguarding, HR, pastoral care, boarding, health and safety, PSHEE, Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) and Equality Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) programme. The emphasis that we have recently put on further developing PSHEE, with increased focus on RSE, EDI and pupil voice, was an important factor ensuring that the School is compliant in these areas. The inspectors interviewed a third of the pupils and staff, and I am very grateful to all members of the King’s community for making the inspection such a success.

Ian Wilmshurst - Headmaster

Click here to read the ISI Regulatory Compliance Inspection report


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