King's Bruton

A superb BTEC Performing Arts showcase evening...

Drama and Theatre BTECs

A superb BTEC Performing Arts showcase evening...

The first performance of the year brought together both L6th and U6th BTEC Performing Arts classes. There was a huge variety of styles and performance techniques on show, and the evening completely summed up the BTEC Performing Arts course. The exploration and application of a wide range of practitioners, such as Max Stafford-Clark, Artaud, Brecht, DV8 and Frantic Assembly, alongside extracts from Sheridan’s The Rivals, and devised work based upon the Russian-Ukrainian War, and the protests in Iran, demonstrated the complexity and variation of topics studied during the 6th Form at King’s.

The L6th groups presented two pieces of devised work showcasing their understanding of a range of practitioners, and how their techniques and methods can be used to present unique, new pieces of work. These were both Workshop Performances, allowing the audience to give feedback, criticise and question the casts about the decisions made. This allowed the pupils to evaluate their work and refine any moments for future performances. I was so impressed with the maturity of their work, but also their willingness to take the feedback.

The U6th performed three extracts from The Rivals. This was a final performance for their Unit 19 Acting Styles, which involved studying three contrasting styles, and performing one in detail. This performance showcased the groups ability to adapt to style and character, and truly outlined the specific acting techniques synonymous with the Comedy of Manners period; stock characters, satire, complex dialogue, costume and comedy.

A superb evening showcase, and certainly one I hope to repeat in the future.

Will Stainton - Head of Performing Arts

"I thought both groups raised their game for the performance, both took quite different approaches to the task set, showed maturity handling challenging stimuli, and both groups engaged fully with their feedback session." Maggie King, Drama Teacher

Flickr album: U6th Form BTEC Performing Arts 'The Rivals' - 10th November 2022 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

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