King's Bruton

Professional head shot photographs for our BTEC Performing Arts pupils

Drama and Theatre

Professional head shot photographs for our BTEC Performing Arts pupils...

It has been a number of years since we have visited Mark Pickthall at his Studio to experience taking head shots and to learn more about presentation of character and emotion. On Friday 14th June, the L6th Form Performing Arts class went to the Mark Pickthall Studio in Bruton to work with Mark focusing on headshots designed for casting and presentation. Mark works with our pupils for all productions at the School taking the performance shots, and capturing the moments of drama on the stage. Therefore, this was an opportunity to work in a 1-2-1 setting, focusing on what we communicate to the camera and consequently the audience. 

The first question asked is always, what do you want to communicate to whoever is viewing this photo? The pupils really stepped up to the challenge and thought about a variety methods to communicate the given emotions. It highlighted the need for consistency when performing, ensuring the facial expressions and body language are communicating the same thing. 

I am hugely looking forward to seeing the finished products and more importantly see how the pupils can apply their new skills to their next performance. A huge thanks to Mark for his expertise and time - a great experience. 

Once the photographs are ready, they will be posted to this page.

#KSBDrama #KSBTheatre #KSBBTECPerformingArts

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