Priory House won the Girls' Inter-House Chess Competition...
This year’s Inter-House Chess Competition kicked off with the Girls’ Section. The largest team was fielded by Wellesley, with five players and two extras who came and just played for fun! Despite having a smaller team, Priory was more successful at winning matches, so gained the top spot.
- 1st Priory - 11 points - 2 players
- 2nd Wellesley - 9 points - 5 players
- 3rd Arion - 2 points - 2 players
- Player of the day: Lucy (Priory) with 3 wins and 1 draw
- Close behind: Millie (Wellesley) with 2 wins and 1 draw
Well done to all who took part: Lucy, Harriet, Erica, Alex, Elisabeth, Emma, Olive, Gracie and Millie.
The Boys’ Section will take place in the New Year, followed by a play-off between Priory and the winning Boys’ House.
Thomas Owens - Chess Master