An exciting Senior Inter-House Football Competition
Football House Activities and Competitions

An exciting Senior Inter-House Football Competition...

Flickr album: Senior Inter-House Football - 12th September 2023 | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

This year’s Senior Inter-House Football Competition was fantastic success with perfect playing conditions and all three Houses fully supported both on and off the pitch. It was a good watch, played out in a good competitive spirit with a respectful nature to the competition. Blackford edged out Lyon to the title on goals scored after a tight and entertaining final fixture. Players of the tournament go to Will, Hugo and Mats for their composure and driving force behind each of their respective Houses.

We look forward to hosting the Junior Inter-House Football competition scheduled before the half-term break.

Gareth Thompson, George Cole & Will Danskin - Football Coaches

#KSBSports #KSBFootball #KSBBlackford #KSBLyon #KSBNew

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