The First School Mediators Meeting of the Easter Term
Wellbeing Life at King's

Being a listener to delicate issues in pupils’ lives is going to be a central part of a busy boarding school. Mediators help to ensure pupils feel secure and valued at King’s.

Mediators are fellow pupils who have been trained to listen and offer a kind word and a discreet ear to steer pupils in the right direction, especially when they can relate to experiences themselves.

The group met to be introduced to our new Restorative Justice cards which are a series of 6 open questions to encourage a conversation and be helpful without judgement. General issues were raised to evaluate whether there are any trends and they were all encouraged to remind pupils to use the mediator boxes in each boarding house. These serve as a discreet way to report something that may be worrying them.

You can read more about this and much more on our Health and Wellbeing webpage.

Alison Grant - Deputy Head

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