King's Bruton

Remote Learning Has Brought Exciting Opportunities

Old Brutonian Association (Alumni) Sixth Form

Whilst remote learning has brought challenges, it has also brought many exciting opportunities.

Today we were fortunate to welcome Old Brutonians, Callum (New) and Emily (Arion), to share their experiences of studying at an international university with our L6th Form. They gave their personal experiences of the highs, the challenges and the differences of studying in the US. It was particularly interesting to hear of the different styles of the universities (University of Chicago and Saint Louis University), as well as the outgoing and friendly nature of those they met, and the diverse opportunities that were on offer as they studied abroad.

It was a excellent chance for the L6th Form to be given food for thought about what they should consider when looking into universities, be they globally or in the UK, where they are often considering courses which include a semester or year abroad. The excellent Q and A time showed how thoroughly engaged pupils were and huge thanks must go to Emily and Callum for making that the case!

Later this week, webinars are planned for Upper 6th Form viewers on gap years and thriving in the first year at university. Reports to follow!

Will Daws - Deputy Head, Sixth Form

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