King's Bruton

A competitive Inter-House Badminton Competition


A competitive Inter-House Badminton Competition...

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It was another competitive Inter-House Badminton event, which saw each House put out 4 of their strongest badminton players. In the senior boy’s event, New House dominated winning 4/4 games. The 1st pairing of James and Jonathan proved too strong for Blackford and Lyon. They played two strong matches and demonstrated exceptional speed, which Blackford and Lyon could simply not compete with. They won 21-15 and 21-5.

In the senior girl’s event, both Wellesley and Priory both won 3/4 matches and were tied. The winner would be decided on the highest number of points won. Wellesley managed to beat Priory by just the one point resulting in a win. This assisted by Geneva’s and Allegra’s strong play, which put two wins on the board for Wellesley.

In the junior’s, Lyon had a comfortable win for the boys. The team was made up of Rafe, Archie, Oliver and Orlando. They won by a comfortable margin with Blackford taking 2nd and New House in 3rd place.

Tilly, Eva, Patience and Sophie took the win for Priory in the junior girls. Both pairs displayed a consistent level of badminton and made limited unforced errors, proving too much for Arion and Wellesley.

Well done to all pupils who competed.

Callum Forder - Head of Rackets

#KSBBadminton #KSBArion #KSBBlackford #KSBLyon #KSBNew #KSBPriory #KSBWellesley 

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