A new A Level at King's - Politics, a deeply relevant and truly fascinating to study

A new A Level at King's - Politics, a deeply relevant and truly fascinating to study...

It’s been great to launch a new A Level in Government and Politics. Monday, periods 3 and 4, saw our first lesson - and what a time it was to launch the A Level! We were learning about the UK constitution and at 12.30pm, paused to watch on live TV a significant constitutional event: the election of Liz Truss as the Leader of the Conservative & Unionist Party, and consequently becoming our new Prime Minister. The pupils were fascinated to see the event unfold, and I am pleased to say the new A Level has got off to a great start, feeling deeply relevant and truly fascinating to study.

From Trump to Treaties and Brexit to Biden - studying the subject involves the examination of captivating, real-life, present-day institutions of power and the individuals at the heart of them. If understanding what’s going on in the UK with the Prime Minister, Parliament, the Government, and major issues interests you, then Politics is the subject for you. If you’re excited about elections in the USA, the Presidency, Congress & Supreme Court, then study politics! See more here.

Rev'd George Beverly - Head of Politics

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