Our international pupils enjoyed a cultural trip to the city of Wells...
Defying the elements, we set out with our international pupils for our termly cultural trip; this time to the city of Wells.
We had organised a tour of the Cathedral. Our guides were engaging, not only in recounting the history of this iconic religious seat, but also with fun facts and knowledge of the detail regarding the architecture and decorative features, and it was good to hear the pupils comparing similar buildings in France or Germany and contributing what they noticed of the architecture. The pupils were even encouraged to try out the acoustics with a song, in the Chapter House! Louise’s angelic voice echoed around the umbrella vaults of the chamber. The older pupils visited the Cathedral Library with it’s chained medieval books and the incredible illuminated copy of the bible, written in many languages.
A lunch break afforded some well-deserved free time around town, and in the afternoon we re-assembled to visit the Bishop’s Palace. It was delightful to be able to sit in the private chapel, walk up the elaborately carved wooden staircase and wander around the rooms at our liberty. A dressing-up box with period costumes and a grand piano, which the pupils were allowed to play, kept everybody entertained while we waited for the torrential rain to pass. We have discovered some truly accomplished pianists in our midst.
It was a good day out! Many thanks to Ms King and Mr Spencer Underhill for accompanying us on the trip.
Nicola Checketts - Head of EAL