King's Bruton

The KSBMotorSport Team would like to welcome our new sponsor - Refit-International

#KSBMotorSport Design and Technology

The KSBMotorSport Team would like to welcome a new sponsor - Refit-International...

We are delighted to announce that Refit-International are joining our sponsors - Mogers Drewett, Lodestone Property and the Friends of King's Bruton, to become a sponsor of our KSBMotorSport team. Refit-International are a global operation that has recently set up in the UK, whilst the team has 100 years and over a million nautical miles of yachting experience to draw upon. The team at Refit-International provide a broad spectrum of marine engineering services, outfitting and hardware, finishing and composites engineering specialist. It is this area of specialism that has meant Refit-International are working on superb environmentally friendly photovoltaic sustainable energy solutions which are showcased here.

We thank Matt and the team for their support of our KSBMotorSport Greenpower F24+ Challenge. The team will be racing again in September.

Nick Hart - Head of Design & Technology

Click here to read more about the KSBMotorSport team on our KSBMotorSport webpage.


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