King's Bruton


In This Section

At King’s Bruton we aim for all pupils to leave school armed the necessary knowledge and advice needed to make decisions about further education and the world of work.

3rd, 4th & 5th Form

We deliver Careers through the PSHEE programme and this is designed to help our pupils develop the skills and awareness needed for Sixth Form and beyond. Pupils complete Morrisby profiling at the end of 4th Form with a one-to-one discussion in 5th Form and they can ask for advice at any point. Pupils are introduced to Unifrog in 3rd Form and this is used throughout a pupils time at King’s. In addition our Careers Policy follows the Gatsby Benchmarks and we aim to link curriculum learning to careers in addition to ensuring that all pupils have a meaningful encounter with employers/employees in the summer term of 4th Form.


3rd Form


Learning Outcome


Gatsby Benchmark Targeted

Lesson 1:

Jobs Available

Pupils need to to define what a ‘career’ is.

Pupils need to discover the Unifrog tool.

Pupils can learn about transferable skills and identify their interests and abilities and how that may help them choose a future career.

1. Brainstorm how many jobs/careers can you come up with in pairs in two minutes. Then come together, Boggle style cross off. Pupils will watch a clip from Casualty/Holby City and discuss the number of jobs available.

2. Pupils sign up to Uni-frog.

3. Pupils complete interests profile and personality profile.

4. In pairs, pupils research a particular job and report back to rest of the class.


Lesson 2:

What Makes a Good Leader

Pupils can identify the skills needed for leadership, enterprise and employability.

Pupils identify their strengths and competencies and how to record them.

1.Pupils identify what they think makes a great leader.

2.Pupils watch a TED talk ('Everyday leadership' by Drew Dudley), and record examples of when they have been leaders using the Competencies tool.

3. Finish off the jobs that that the pupils researched in the previous lesson.

1,3, 7

Lesson 3:

My Skills

Pupils can navigate their way around Unifrog, especially the Careers and Subject Library.

Pupils learn about the different types of employment and career pathways.

1.Pupils should identify their activities and interests then record them on Unifrog.

2. Pupils complete the Subjects Library Treasure Hunt to gain a better understanding of HE options and pathways.


Lesson 4:

What Next?

Pupils gain an understanding of the importance of making best GCSE choices and having knowledge before making decisions.

1. Pupils study the scenarios emphasising the need to have more detail when making choices. This can then be likened to selecting their GCSE options.

2. Discuss GCSE options - what are core subjects and which are optional?

3. Go through the sheet on Choosing My Options, pupils will write down what they are thinking of choosing and why.


4th Form

Lesson 1:


Pupils will gain an appreciation of the types of jobs available and broaden their horizons about post 16 options and career pathways.

1. Pupils play Careers Top Trumps to recap on the many careers available.

2. Pupils make sure they have completed the Interests, Personality and Work Environments Profile.

3. Pupils check their Favourites List and make sure they have at least two careers they might find interesting and research key facts using Careers Library.

4. Pupils make 2 Top Trumps cards with the same categories as the Top Trumps cards, and use their card in their game.


Lesson 2:

How to Contact Employers

Pupil start thinking about work experience and how to contact employers.

Pupils find out more about responsibilities in the work place

1. Pupils discuss the skills they need to feel confident when approaching potential work experience and employers.

2. Pupils use the Unifrog Apprenticeships Tool to discover potential placement opportunities and complete Contacting Employers tasks.

3. Pupils log this as a competency on Unifrog.

4. Pupils write down questions they would use if they were interviewing someone about their chosen career.


Lesson 3:

CV Writing

Pupils gain an awareness of a CV and what makes a good one.

1. Pupils look at a good and bad CV. They visit the Barclays website and ‘Play the Boss’ where pupils have to say whether CVs are good or bad.

2. Pupils start write their CV’s on Unifrog.

3. Compare CV’s with others ,if there is time.


Lesson 4:

Letters of Application
(not all classes will do this)

Pupils start to understand the importance and technique of applying for jobs.

1. Pupils compare two cover letters, highlighting the best one, the reasons why, and how they could further improve the letters.

2. Pupils write their own cover letter for a fake work placement opportunity and upload this to their Lockers once complete.

3. Finish with a game of Careers Top Trumps.


All 4th Form pupils are entered into the Morrisby Careers Profiling Platform and run a profile setup. In the Summer term, there will be breaktime talks by professionals which 4th Form pupils can attend.

5th Form

Lesson 1:


Pupils learn about maximising employability and maintaining a work/life balance.

1. Powerpoint on what next.

2. Researching opportunities using Unifrog.

3. CV’s and building these on Unifrog.

4. Worksheet on how to look for and apply for positions.


Lesson 2:

Assessing and Improving Online Personal Brand

Pupils learn how to manage a positive online presence.

1.Powerpoint and BBC videos on Assessing Personal Presence.

2. Paired work on Assessing Security Settings.

3. Pupils build a Linkedin account.


Lesson 3:

Pathways - A-Levels & BTECs

Pupils learn about different pathways at King's Bruton post 5th Form and the importance of GCSE grades.

1.Personal Development Questionnaire

2.Pupils complete a review of current subjects

3. Pupils introduced to 6th Form prospectus


Lesson 4:

Pathways - Apprenticeships

Pupils learn about Apprenticeship Pathways.

1.Pupils complete a ‘ what do you know about apprenticeships’ questionnaire.

2. Pupils select interesting job ‘standards’ from standards list.

3. Pupils watch apprenticeship case study videos.


All pupils have a 10-15 minute interview to discuss their Morrisby profile.

6th Form

In the 6th Form, pupils will have access to, and be provided with, the following throughout their time in the 6th Form.

  • Work Place experience through subjects (BTEC Hospitality, BTEC Enterprise, Business Studies, PE, BTEC Sport etc)
  • BTEC Employer Engagement
  • HE Fairs and Events
  • UK University Fair
  • European and Worldwide University Fair
  • Careers Guidance (Deputy Head - Sixth Form and External Speakers)
  • Specialist apprenticeship advice - school’s Apprenticeship Adviser
  • Elite university application support - Assistant Head of 6th Form
  • Employability skills training (CV development, letters of application, interview skills programme)
  • Interview Programme
  • Careers and Universities Platform - Unifrog
  • Apprenticeship advisor visits
  • Career Specific Trips
  • Talks from employers (L6th Form HE Forum)
  • Community Service - Placements
  • Gap Year Advice
  • LinkedIn training
  • Online Profiling - Morrisby test etc
  • Awareness of specialist careers days/ advice
  • Access to resources (6th Form Centre)
  • 1:1 Support from tutors and the Head of Sixth Form with career options.
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