King's Bruton

5th Form Concert Full Of Variety & Vitality

Music Concert

The 5th Form Concert was outstanding; a great variety of instruments and genres performed at a high standard - writes David Gorodi, Director of Music.

As always it’s hard to pick just a few of my highlights, but I’d like to mention George's performance of Britten’s The Spider and the Fly, I really enjoyed the comical nature of this piece and the use of the mute to create special effects. George captured the essence of this piece really well. Felix had a very busy night with no less than four performances; the stand out for me was his composition performed on the Hang Drum, an instrument a bit like an inverted steel drum. Felix played with great rhythmic vitality; I loved some of the chord progressions and the percussive effects he achieved. Perhaps my favourite performance overall was that of the Jazz Quintet, they played The Sidewinder by Lee Morgan; a really tight grove from the rhythm section over which Joe, Alex and Felix improvised with great confidence and rhythmic security. My congratulations to all involved in a fabulous evening. An album of photos from the Concert can be seen below along with some audio highlights.

David Gorodi - Director of Music

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