An inspiring 4th Form series of workshops and a trip to Roche Court, New Art Centre…
On Thursday 6th October, the 4th Form artists embarked on a fun-filled creative day, beginning with a variety of workshops led by visiting contemporary practicing artists. Pupils had a choice of Painting, with renowned landscape artists Christine Allison, Ceramics with the talented Hiro Takahashi, or Textiles with celebrated textiles artist, Katy Rundle. This was a golden opportunity for pupils to begin to specialise in their chosen field and to experience other artists creative approaches and skillset. It was fascinating to observe pupils wholeheartedly challenging themselves to embrace new techniques and approaches to making art. As a cohort, there was an array of impressive outcomes, as all pupils embraced the experience and created a body of work to complement their ‘Landscape’ themed project.
In the afternoon, we departed for Salisbury, to visit the well-established sculpture park Roche Court, New Art Centre. In the capable hands of the education team (Bella & Orillia), we embarked on a guided tour, basked in glorious autumnal sunshine as our two groups had the opportunity to interact, record and explore ideas behind an abundance of modern and contemporary sculptural forms. The sculpture trail did not disappoint as there was plenty to see, with some highlights being works from Anthony Caro, Anthony Gormley, Alan Jones, and Bill Woodrow. All pupils were confidently able to visually record their experience with well-planned experimental drawing activities. Including an extended framework to support pupils’ ability to analyse sculpture using the principles of the 3 ‘C’s’, in relation to describing the artists techniques used to create works from casting, carving or construction methods.
This was a hugely successful creative day enjoyed by all. Moving forwards, we look forward to building upon this experience as pupils draw upon areas of interest to help inform their independently driven 3-week project.
George Cole - Art Teacher