King's Bruton

Angus and Jemima talk on BBC Points West about Her Majesty The Queen's visit to King's Bruton

Community Life at King's

Angus and Jemima talk on BBC Points West about Her Majesty The Queen's visit to King's Bruton...

It was an experience to be interviewed by the BBC. Filming something that a few hundred-thousand people may watch is incredibly nerve-wracking, but once filmed, I came away with a unique experience under my belt. I can remember Her Late Majesty’s visit well; she was incredibly polite and poised, even turning to address the many singers after our performance. It is a day I will never forget.

Angus - U6th Form, Blackford House

The request from the BBC to provide separate interviews for Points West and for Radio Somerset made me reflect even more on Her Majesty The Queen’s death and her visit to King’s in 2019. As her host, I was very fortunate to spend so long in The Queen’s company, both on the tour and sitting beside her at lunch. Her visit had a profoundly positive effect on all present that day, and I doubt few others would be able to have that effect on so many. I will remember her people skills, the personal interest she showed in everyone she met and her sense of humour. The Points West reporter concluded her piece to camera by commenting "that by allowing King’s to name the music school The Queen Elizabeth Music School, she leaves a lasting legacy in Bruton." This is true, but The Queen will also leave a legacy of memories that will never fade. I will not meet her like again.

Ian Wilmshurst - Headmaster


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