King's Bruton

King's Pupil, Archie, Mountain Biker Extraordinaire

Wellbeing Old Brutonian Association (Alumni)

Mountain biking is not your typical sport, and not one that you expect to hear when you ask someone what kind of sports they do.

Usually it’s rugby, football, hockey or netball, so it’s not uncommon I get a look of intrigue when I say "I’m a mountain biker and I race with sponsorship". In fact everyone’s perception of mountain biking is different, usually at completely different extremes. Either things they see off Facebook with people flying off the top of the crests of mountains or riding in the forest along fire roads.

I go riding every weekend, usually with Old Brutonian, Max Mason, all over the South West and up into Wales. This year has been hard for us all, as the races have been cancelled, but I am going out as much as possible to keep training and keep my nerves up to make sure I climb the leaderboard when we return to our new normal.

I hope this video that I have recorded, opens your eyes to what mountain biking is and inspires you all to give it a try, it is after all, the best sport!

Archie - U6th Form

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