King's Bruton

A busy and rewarding Mental Health Awareness Week

Wellbeing Outdoors and Adventure

Laughing with friends outside this week, has been the focus of Mental Health Awareness Week.

The L6th Form pupils have been enthusiastic in organising various events.

Blackford House started the week by storm wearing Hawaii shirts and shorts leading Zumba.

Flickr album: Mental Health Awareness Week - Zumba | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

With the sun shining, pupils enjoyed colouring with Priory House Sixth Form. 

Flickr album: Mental Health Awareness Week - Mindful Colouring | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Tutors had the opportunity to enjoy Bruton on Wednesday afternoon and walked to the Dovecote, the duck pond and over the fields. There was also a good deal of cake eating.

Flickr album: Mental Health Awareness Week - Tutor Activities | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

The Catering Department cooked a beautiful curry to finish the day.

Arion House braved the rain and enthused the school with their skipping speeds. There were great gales of laughter as pupils enjoyed trying to remember how to skip.

Flickr album: Mental Health Awareness Week - Skipping | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Wellesley Sixth Form brought in their very well behaved dogs and Friday after school, was spent cuddling puppies, dogs and alpacas.

Flickr album: Mental Health Awareness Week - Alpaca & Dog Petting | Height: auto | Theme: Default | Skin: Default Skin

Mr Owens organised a staff v pupil chess competition to finish the week.

Pupils have also had the opportunity during the week to visit the pop up bookshop at school, to look at purchasing a variety of books on wellbeing and nature to go alongside the Mental Health Awareness Week's theme of Nature.

It has been a busy and rewarding week.

Alison Grant - Deputy Head

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